Monday, January 10, 2011

New Year, no promises...

Okay so I’d like to start off my first blog for 2011 wishing everyone a fabulous New Year! I have a feeling this year is going to be challenging but I am hoping all the hard work will be worth it!

So I was talking to my husband recently about making a resolution for the New Year and I have resolved not to make one. I just feel like making a promise to yourself that you may potentially break is a pretty crappy thing to do.

So, in a really general, around-about kind of way, I’ve decided that I am going to do two things this year:

1. Think more positively.

2. Work harder – this covers all aspects of my life like relationships, career, savings, fitness etc.

It’s not a specific promise; it’s just a general change I want to make that will (hopefully) have a beneficial flow-on effect for years to come. You know that saying ‘You only get out what you put in’ – that’s going to be my little mantra for 2011.

I hope that if any of you have made resolutions for the New Year that you can stick to them – good luck!

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