Wednesday, July 25, 2012

TV gives us a good dose of reality

I am not ashamed to admit that I like to watch reality television. Having pay TV is great, because most of the shows on it are reality TV shows or ‘docu-dramas’ or whatever you want to call them.

I like to watch other shows as well, like the news, cooking, home renovating and music channels, but there is something about reality TV that gets me hooked.

Guilty pleasure viewing... Jersey Shore.
I think I like it so much because I can’t believe that half of what is aired is actually aired. Like the kids on Jersey Shore who go out night after night and drink, sleep around and fight like it's going out of fashion. It’s the shock and awe factor.

Let's be honest, we usually don't watch these shows because the characters have something to offer us on an intellectual level - we watch because we want to indulge in their crazy antics.

Last night I watched ‘Being Lara Bingle’ one of the newest shows to be added to my must-watch list. It joins Keeping Up With the Kardashians, Guiliana and Bill, Jersey Shore, Real Housewives of Beverley Hills, Made in Chelsea, The Only Way is Essex and the list goes on… then there is the reality competition-style shows like Masterchef, The Voice etc.

The Kardashians have come under fire for how much of their lives they expose for TV ratings.
I have gotta say – these people who appear on these shows have really got balls (yes, even the girls) for putting everything out there. I know that many say that these shows aren’t really ‘reality’ and that they are more scripted than we know, but regardless, it still makes for compelling viewing.

For instance, last night while I was watching Lara Bingle go about her thing, I saw a young woman who really has made a pretty successful modelling career for herself, who has some great friends who have stuck by her and a family who have been through some immense struggles. She hasn’t hurt anyone by being famous or for once being engaged to a sports star… she's just another Sydney chick trying to make her mark on the world (for the record I couldn't imagine being on the front page of a magazine with a story about my obvious cellulite and weight gain like Lara did).

For some reason, people love to hate Lara Bingle. I don't.

I guess with any of this TV, if you don’t like it, you do have the option of changing the channel. There are so many armchair critics in Australia (many of them employed by the television networks to bag the opposition) and they all love to rip shreds off each other.

I am sick of hearing about The Shire – I watched the first episode of it and it wasn’t for me, so I haven’t tuned in again. Simple as that. I am not out there kicking and screaming about how it ‘dumbs down’ Australians and makes us look like a bunch of vain, Botox-obsessed airheads like many commentators have.

Sophie and Vernessa from The Shire, Channel Ten's latest reality TV offering.

I think that reality TV is there to give a snapshot into the lives of people to show how very different we all are. Whether we would like to admit it or not, we are a voyeuristic society – the popularity of Facebook and Instagram proves that we are a bunch of sticky-beaks who love to know other people’s business.

I think that reality TV shows just give us an open outlet to indulge in this and compare our own reality to the lives of those we see on our flat screens (by compare I don’t mean literally, because lets face it, most of us won’t have an extravagant $1 million plus wedding like Kim Kardashian and then get divorced after just 72 days).

And yes, for the record, I will be tuning in to Channel Nine's revamped Big Brother - it's filmed in my home town and I am genuinely amazed at the careers some of the contestants from this show have been able to carve out for themselves.

Whether we want to admit it or not, a majority of what we are watching on television these days is deemed 'reality' TV and it doesn't seem to be going anywhere.

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