Monday, March 7, 2011

Reassurance in words

Did you ever hear a story, watch a movie or read something that really just makes you think about what you want in life? That inspires you to chase down your dreams and make a change for the better?

As it happens, such a thing has happened to me. I have just finished reading the wonderfully written Eat Pray Love – the tale of Elizabeth Gilbert who wrote the book after pretty much going through the lowest time in her life, making a change, and starting again from square one.

All I can say is that after putting the book down, I knew I was meant to read it. I know it sounds silly because millions of people have read it and empathised with Liz as she struggled to find herself through adversity… but it struck a chord with me so strong I feel like there was some higher power guiding me through the library to the little shelf where the tatty book sat.

Liz Gilbert’s tale about life starts in New York and flows through Italy, India and finally finishes (or you could say, begins) in Indonesia – more specifically, Bali (where my husband and I went for our honeymoon). I laughed, cried, sympathised and at times, envied her for getting through the tough times with such grace and finally, understanding and acceptance for her position in the world.

Lately I have been struggling with a few personal issues (lets call them hiccups) that have seemed to have caused me more torment that what I thought they would. Basically, I thought I was stronger than what I actually am and haven’t been dealing very well…

I really do feel though, after reading this book that it has helped put some more perspective into my life and I’ve made the decision to make some (minor) changes that I hope will make a bigger difference. I guess you could say that it’s kind of given me that final push I needed to make moves to do something about my situation.

Before people start making assumptions I really am okay – you know when a few issues just get you down and instead of keeping a level head, you kind of lose your shit a bit and start drowning in knee-high water? That’s me at the moment. I just need to change the way I look at things and put my thoughts into more organised categories.

I’ve also learnt from Liz that it is important to forgive yourself in order to move forward and as I’m writing this, I’m smiling as if my emotions are my conviction that I know I’m on the right path.

For those of you have haven’t read Eat Pray Love and without going into the synopsis, I would simply say go and read it. Even if you’re not a book reader and find reading wanky; just give it a go. It might change your life for the better.

PS: I am not giving you permission to just go and get the movie – it in no way begins to even scratch the surface of this amazing story.

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